Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cause and Effect and Comparison-Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Cause and Effect and Comparison-Contrast - Essay Example This was to try and minimize the effects of the radiations to individuals who were to work there for longer periods of time. The radiation was said to be present in the entire environment where water, air, plants and animals were all affected (Aleksievich). The situation was made intense by the fact that people in the region did not know what had just happened and those who were travelling to Chernobyl from other places continued with their journeys. Another cause that increased the effects of the radioactive materials was the steam explosion. Steam is less dense than the normal atmospheric water and therefore was able to be carried v\by the wind to far distances. Moreover, on condensation, it landed on buildings, people, the fauna and flora. This increased the level of intoxication and spread of the radiations. The effects of the radiations to people who took part in the cleaning process, regardless of whether they lived close to the plant were still seen (Lusted). The government involved 500,000 people to clean the place and most of them were young and energetic men and women. These were to be the next generation. In fact, within a few hours of the explosion, people in the environment, who were absolutely oblivious of what had happened, started experiencing illnesses and headaches. Uncontrollable fits of coughing and vomiting were also experienced by the people as well as tastes of metallic substances in their mouths. Many of these people were caught without any information about such an atrocity. These people suffered for longer and by 2005, more than 6,000 cases of thyroid cancer were reported (Cheney, Journey to Chernobyl: Encounters in a Radioactive Zone). This number includes children who were born in the recent years. The second effect to the people was mental health. These individuals were lacking control over their actions, were weak and helpless. The third effect was the actual death caused directly and indirectly by the radiations.

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